What is TILEPY ?
A tool for multi-messenger observations
Multimessenger events like gravitational waves (GW), gamma-ray bursts (GRB), high-energy neutrinos, etc. offer unique opportunities for astroparticle physics. While carrying extremely useful information, searches for associated electromagnetic emission are challenging due to large sky localisation uncertainties provided by the current generation of observatories. Here we provide access to methods and procedures dedicated to scheduling of follow-up observations of multi-messenger events. For the main use-case of GW follow-up observations, we rely on algorithms using 2-dimensional GW localisation information as well as algorithms correlating the galaxy distribution in the local universe with the 3-dimensional GW localisation information.
Further details of the algorithms and their performance is available in H. Ashkar et al. JCAP03(2021)045 and M. Seglar-Arroyo et al., ApJS 274 1 (2024).
An open source code
The tilepy code is open source and available on Github. The project has been growing for several years as private code used in various (high-energy astrophysics) experiments. The codebase is consequently in a somewhat messy shape. Bear with us, we are actively working on streamlining and improving it... You'll find tilepy on GitHub/astro-transients/tilepy and PyPi.org/project/tilepy.
A service provided by Astro-COLIBRI
The cloud computing ressources and the maintenance of the tilepy API is provided by Astro-COLIBRI. The Astro-COLIBRI frontends (web, Android, iOS) also provide a convenient interface to the scheduling plans derived using tilepy.